The “conditions” of factual truths


  • Geraldo Adriano Emery Pereira


Truth. Politics. Condition. Natality. Plurality. Worldliness.


The text is a presentation proposal on how the categories treated in “The Human Condition” offer a conceptual apparatus that allows us to understand the place of the truth of the facts in their relationship with politics. The reading of the concepts of condition, plurality, natality and worldliness offer a kind of conceptual delimiter of the status of the “place” of the truth of facts in their relation to politics. The totalitarian maxim that everything is possible and the modern rebellion against the limits, including the limits of reality, allows us to see how the concepts just quoted operate as soil and firmament of the arendtian notion of truth of facts. In describing modernity it seems to Arendt that there are political risks where truth and falsity lose their line of distinction, and especially when truth as a stabilizing factor for changing human affairs disappears. The contemporary, post-truth experience may be, roughly speaking, a blatant exposition of the actuality of Arendt’s reflections on truth and politics, especially if we take into account the analyzes present in The Human Condition, which draw attention to the risks of modern rebellion against reality and the alienation of the world.

Author Biography

Geraldo Adriano Emery Pereira

Doutor e Mestre em Filosofia Política pela UFMG. Graduação em Filosofia e Direito pela PUC-MG. Professor de Filosofia no Colégio de Aplicação da Universidade Federal de Viçosa.


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