Forgetfulness and memory of the will: the agonistic in the great politics according to Nietzsche


  • João Batista Farias Junior Doutorando em Filosofia.


Forgetfulness. Mimesis. Grand Politics. Agonistic. Nietzsche.


Since “The Birth of Tragedy” the apollonian-dionysiac feud has been a centrepiece of the Nietzschean oeuvre. The ‘agon’ is taken by Nietzsche as an expression of vital forces which, in constant struggle, shape humankind’s development. This work has as its chief objective to establish a few points about the agonistic features of Nietzsche’s work. Specifically, we wish to assess how he deals with agonism with respect to the elaboration of Grand Politics. To this end, we examine how the philosopher proposes the revival of a clash between mimesis and forgetfulness, in view of elaborating a kind of sovereign individual who is responsible do overcome small politics.

Author Biography

João Batista Farias Junior, Doutorando em Filosofia.

Doutorando em Filosofia – UFG. Professor de Filosofia - IFPI.


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