Politics and science in Hannah Arendt





Theory of action. Scientific theory. Process theory. Public space.


We differentiate and problematize two types of discourses of the current world from the thought of Hannah Arendt, the scientific and the political. We analyze within his work from the application of the method of bibliographical research the conflict between politics and science. As a result of the research we present the relations between politics and science in Arendt in three guiding axes: the first deals with the pathos of the elimination of discourse and action by the scientific theories inheriting from the crisis of the modern world in which, politically, the problem of reducing the value of action in the public space for the resolution of human conflicts, in which there is a decrease in the recognition of the importance of discourse and presence in the common world, affects the destiny of communities; the second axis deals with the modern indistinction – theoretical and practical – between action and process, that is, between politics and science; the third axis seeks to clarify what, in fact, for Arendt, is the activity of action, which makes man a political being. Thus, we present the solution of irreversibility and unpredictability of action from the Arendtian point of view in order to clarify that scientific discourse is procedural and linked to fabrication while action is the foundation of Arendtian theory of action.

Author Biography

Danilo Arnaldo Briskievicz , IFMG

Doutor em Filosofia, Professor de Sociologia e Filosofia do IFMG - Instituto Federal de Minas Gerais, Coordenador do Curso Técnico em Segurança do Trabalho, Email:  doserro@hotmail.com


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