Benedito Nunes, reader of Foucault: between words and things, between Belém and Paris




Archeology. Human sciences. Language.


When he needed to leave Brazil due to problems with the military regime, Benedito Nunes arrived in Paris in 1967, a year after the publication of The Order of Things, that is, in the middle of a structuralist wave. The purpose of this article is to show the impact of Foucault's book on Benedito Nunes, whose immediate result was the publication, in 1968, of the first review of the book published in Brazil. Furthermore, I intend not only to reconstitute the most important arguments of this reading but also, at the same time, to understand its importance and its originality, in contrast to Roberto Machado's interpretation. The backdrop is the Brazil of the military dictatorship and the memories of the young student of Benedito Nunes, author of this article


Author Biography

Ernani Chaves, Universidade Federal do Pará

Doutor em Filosofia (USP, 1993). Professor Titular da Faculdade de Filosofia da UFPA. Áreas de pesquisa: os pensamentos de Foucault, Nietzsche, Walter Benjamin, assim como as relações entre Filosofia e Psicanálise.


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Dossiê Benedito Nunes