Brief considerations on the impacts of neoliberal rationality in the state, democracy, and individual freedom: the importance of the theoretical-conceptual assumptions of Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu for the understanding of the Contemporary State
Governmentality. Biopower and Biopolitics. Symbolic Violence. Neoliberal State. Democracy and Freedom.Abstract
This article, from on a prospective-reflexive approach, presents specific aspects of theoretical and conceptual assumptions of Michel Foucault and Pierre Bourdieu, in order to bring to light the concepts of governmentality, biopower, biopolitics, field, habitus, capital and symbolic violence, for the understanding of neoliberalism and its impact on the State, democracy and individual freedom. Such concepts serve here as a starting point the presentation of perspectives descending from the former, developed by theorists Giorgio Agamben, Wendy Brown and Achille Mbembe, enabling a finding regarding the non-fulfillment of the promises of the Liberal State and the Democratic State and their transmutations in neoliberalism, polycentric as to the power of dominance over individuals, which together with the market and the State forms the triangularization of the power derived from the governmentality of the Neoliberal State.
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