Yield and centesimal composition of fillets and mechanically separate meat of spotted goatfish (Pseudupeneus maculatus Bloch, 1793)

Yield and centesimal composition of fillets and mechanically separate meat of spotted goatfish (Pseudupeneus maculatus - Bloch, 1793)


  • Pedro Luiz Silva de Sá Júnior Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência e Tecnologia de Alimentos, na Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, bolsista Capes, Laboratório de Tecnologia do Pescado (LATPESC)
  • Leandro José da Silva Graduando em Engenharia de Pesca na Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Laboratório de Tecnologia do Pescado (LATPESC)
  • Humber Agrelli de Andrade 3Docente, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Laboratório de Modelagem Estatística (MOE)
  • Paulo Roberto Campagnoli de Oliveira Filho Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco




The objective of the study was to evaluate the yield and the centesimal composition of spotted
goatfish fillets and mechanically separated meat (MSM) without washing, with one and two washes
with water. The spotted goatfish presented slightly lower fillet yield when compared to other fish. On
the other hand, the MSM yield is close to that observed in other commercial fish. The moisture of the
MSM was higher (P < 0.05) than the spotted goatfish fillets, and the increase in the number of
MSM washes caused an increase of moisture. The fillets had high protein content, higher (P < 0.05)
than MSM. The fillets presented low percentage of lipids. The MSM showed a higher percentage of
lipids than the fillets, and the increase in the number of MSM washes caused a decrease (P < 0.05)
in the percentage of lipids. The percentage of ashes from MSM was higher than the fillets and there
was also decrease (P < 0.05) after washing. The centesimal composition of the MSM was close to
that of the fillet. However, washing MSM increases the moisture content and decreases protein,
lipid and ash. Therefore, it is recommended not to wash the MSM to avoid losses of nutritional
compounds (protein, lipids and ash) and the formation of liquid residues.

