Philosophical and epistemological bases of evaluation

paths to be followed


  • Max Felipe Vianna Gasparini


program evaluation, epistemology, methodology


The scientific production and the practices of researchers in program evaluation in Brazil have epistemological conceptsand foundations to be further evidenced and analyzed. This essay aims to propose possible paths for a theoretical analysis aboutthe epistemology of evaluation, based on a dialogue with the various approaches developed in the field and the analytical toolsderived from the philosophy of science. It is proposed an exercise of critical reflection about the scientific discourse attributed to theevaluation, seeking to understand its fundamentals. It is hoped that the path presented in this essay will support future investigationsthat deepen the understanding and qualification of evaluative practices in the Brazilian context.

Author Biography

Max Felipe Vianna Gasparini

• Universidade Federal de São Paulo
• Departamento de Políticas Públicas e Saúde Coletiva
• Laboratório de Avaliação de Programas e Serviços em Saúde
• Federal University of São Paulo
• Department of Public Policy and Public Health


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