La place de la méta-évaluation dans la gestion des politiques publiques


  • Jackson De Toni Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development


meta-evaluation, industrial policy, productive development


The evaluation of public policies has progressively increased in the federal public administration. However, it has focused on social policies, little has been done in this field on policies, programs and projects related to economic, productive and technological development. The assessment becomes even more essential considering the scale of public resources involved, in the form of tax and tax incentives or direct budget resources. In this context, the evaluative effort of the “Brazil More Productive” (Brasil Mais Produtivo) program, implemented by the Brazilian federal government since 2016, which in its first phase served three thousand small and edium-sized companies to increase productivity, is noteworthy. The focus of the article is meta-evaluation, that is, reflection on the quality of the evaluation process. Considering the available bibliographic reference and through a script of specific meta-evaluative questions applied to the evaluative reports of the analyzed program. The article concludes by the need to increase the meta-evaluative effort to qualify the process of implementation of public policies.







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