Social merchandising

the soap ópera beyond the entertainment


  • Jéfferson Balbino


Teledramaturgy, Society, Social Merchandising


The soap ópera is an important expression of brazilian culture, occupying a large space in the life of society. In view of this, it is necessary to analyze the role that this audiovisual product focused on entertainment occupies in the social sphere, verifying the relations that are established between the two media: the real and the fictitious. In order to do so, we will evaluate, in particular, the work of two brazilian novelists: Glória Perez and Manoel Carlos, since it is the television writers who make the most of the so-called "social merchandising" in their telenovelas. Both the novelists and the brazilian teledramaturgy itself offer instigating - and contributing - to the discussions of social problems existing in the reality of brazilian society. For that purpose, we will use the studies of Marcio Ruiz Schiavo (2002), scientist in social communication and, also, the historian Jéfferson Balbino (2013).



How to Cite

Balbino, J. (2019). Social merchandising: the soap ópera beyond the entertainment. Em Perspectiva, 5(1), 217–233. Retrieved from



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