Female transgressions

Emília Freitas and the transgression of reality through fantastic narrative


  • Adrianna Alberti UEMS
  • Fábio Dobashi Furuzato UEMS


In this article, the novel A Rainha do Ignoto by Emília Freitas (1855-1908), originally published in 1899, was reissued in 1980 and 2003. The writer from Ceará was an active participant in the literate medium of her time and published prose texts, poems and articles in newspapers and periodicals, as well as a play. In his work, traces of autobiography and social criticisms permeate black and indigenous slavery, domestic life in Ceará and covert political criticisms. The work to be analyzed is considered the first fantastic-looking novel in national literature, and its rescue is important for the historiographic review of this genre in Brazil. We seek to develop analysis with the objective of understanding the fantastic elements of the work, carefully on the issue of transgression of reality through fantastic narrative. Since the fantastic literary genre can be characterized by the destabilization of reality, verisimilar to extratextual reality, from a supernatural element, generating a doubt about its existence, which intensifies effects such as fear, anguish, terror. The conception of David Roas (2014) is used, which defines the fantastic as an aesthetic category, whose aim is to question the limits and validity of the way in which the real is perceived.

Author Biographies

Adrianna Alberti, UEMS

Master by the Academic Master's Program of Letters from the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS (2019), with an area of ​​concentration in Literary Historiography, where she presented the dissertation "A Rainha do Ignoto by Emília Freitas: the female character as an element of transgression of reality in the fantastic narrative ". Bachelor of Psychology from the Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UFMS in 2013, highlighting research with Psychoanalytic Theory in dialogue with Literature, especially Fantastic Literature. Graduating in Bachelor of Arts at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul - UEMS.

Fábio Dobashi Furuzato, UEMS

Graduated in Journalism, from Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (Unesp - Bauru, 1993), and, in Letters, from Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp, 1998). Master in Theory and Literary History: Brazilian Literature (2002) and Doctor (2009), in the same area, by Unicamp. Teacher in Higher Education, since 2002; acting, from 2008 onwards, at the State University of Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS). He teaches in the Licenciatura courses in Letters (Port./Engl. And Port./Esp.), As well as in the Academic and Professional Masters in Letters, at the University Unit of Campo Grande (UUCG). As a researcher, he works mainly with the following themes: contemporary Brazilian literature, Murilo Rubião, fantastic genre, short stories. Currently develops a research project on the main theoretical and interpretive approaches to fantastic literature, while examining the main literary works analyzed by theorists of the genre.

