Opressão de gênero e violência de Estado na literatura brasileira contemporânea e sua abordagem no livro didático de ensino médio
This article analyzes the way the textbook addresses gender oppression and violence in contemporary Brazilian literature. To this end, this work selected the book Novas Palavras 3º ano as a corpus, by Emília Amaral et al. (2016), restricting its analysis to the chapter “Tendências contemporâneas da literatura brasileira”. The article is organized into five sections. In the first, the research hypothesis is presented. In the next section, a discussion about gender concept is incited, trying to understand its manifestation in social structures and its representation in the literature field. In the third part, a reflection is promoted on the violence presence in Brazilian literature, especially contemporary Brazilian literature. In the fourth section, the corpus analysis is carried out. And, in the last part, the partial results of the problem addressed are presented. In general, it was noticed that the texts, particularly those written by women, occupy a marginal space in the textbook. In addition, the literary works that deal with the Brazilian civil-military dictatorship appear only at the level of reference to some writers and works. Supported by authors such as Butler (2017); Bourdieu (2012); Zolin (2005; 2010); Ginzburg (2012; 2017); Seligmann-Silva (2000); Benjamin (2012); Candido (2004), this article aimed to establish a critical reflection on the theme.