A (re) escrita de si e do outro

o gênero discursivo crônica como prática autoral de produção literária em sala de aula


  • Fabiane de Jesus Caldas Brito Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB
  • Adelino Pereira dos Santos Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB


In this article, we present part of a proposal for qualitative research, educational action research and pedagogical intervention with teaching authorship as a motivating element for writing and authoring rewriting of literary chronicles in the ninth grade of elementary school, from a public school in the Lower South region of Bahia. Supported by theoretical assumptions from Textual Linguistics, from the theory of discursive genres, from  Bakhtin’s Circle, and also from the conceptions of textuality and the analysis of literary text, the research aimed to discuss how the work of writing and rewriting chronicles enables students to the development of cognitive skills of writing and rewriting, observable in their productions, which represents advances in their linguistic-textual skills. In this work, we highlight the global analysis of one of the groups in which the class was subdivided, considering a chronicle that represents that group and the progress in linguistic-textual skills in the literary productions of the research subjects. This study originated in a dissertation of Professional Master in Language Teaching - PROLETRAS, defended in 2020.

Author Biographies

Fabiane de Jesus Caldas Brito, Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB

Mestra em Letras. Professora de Língua Portuguesa da Educação Básica.

Adelino Pereira dos Santos, Universidade do Estado da Bahia - UNEB

Doutor em Letras. Professor titular pleno do Departamento de Ciências Humanas do campus V da UNEB.

