A figura humana de Jesus Cristo na obra O evangelho segundo Jesus Cristo, de José Saramago



The story of Jesus Christ has always been a subject addressed by the most diverse religious entities, as well as texts considered sacred. The Christian bible, for example, is the most famous text and an unquestionable example of the life narrative of the savior figure. Because of their unquestionable value, the biblical accounts have always been seen as the only version of Jesus' life. However, in The Gospel According to Jesus Christ, José Saramago proposes to create a new version of the events and life of this character. The author, consequently, graces us with a work of inestimable value for literature. In this way, the present work seeks to analyze the construction of the character Jesus Christ in the work of Saramago, mentioned above, observing how the character, although surrounded by holiness, is human like any other. Saramago, in his novel, teaches us that even Jesus Christ, the representational being of the purest perfection, was, however, passive to the most varied evaluations of human experience – a Jesus-man -.

Author Biography


Doutorando e mestre em Linguística pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística (PPGLIN), da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Licenciado em Letras - Língua Portuguesa e suas respectivas Literaturas (2018), pela Universidade da Integração Internacional da Lusofonia Afro-Brasileira (UNILAB). Integrante do Grupo de Estudos Semióticos da Universidade Federal do Ceará (SEMIOCE). Revisor da Revista Vazantes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes (UFC) e diagramador da Revista Estudos Semióticos da Universidade de São Paulo (USP).

