Confluências de fins de mundo

Ailton Krenak e Antônio Bispo


  • Ana Lúcia LiberatoTettamanzy Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
  • Cássia Josieli da Silva


This article arises from the impulse to reflect on the continuity of processes of annihilation of peoples and epistemologies in Brazil, considering in this reflection the deleterious impacts of human action on planet Earth, which include both the depletion of “natural resources” and the threat of the end of the world - or, at least, of the end of the human species. Critical theories such as that of the Modernity/Coloniality/Decoloniality group have been insisting on approaches that dialogue with the epistemologies and actions of indigenous, black and peasant groups - those marked as “others” - in order to stimulate thoughts and above all actions of re-existence. Other perspectives suggest the poeticization and aestheticization of the world of life in the face of disenchantment (ECHEVERRI, 2004), collective thinking guided by the heart and ancestry (CUSICANQUI, 2018) or even the artistic experience as immersion in the earth (NATÁLIO, 2019). With the purpose of seeking ways to create and think in favor of life, denominations and ideas from intellectuals Ailton Krenak and Antônio Bispo dos Santos are brought to the debate. The insurgency of Afropindoramic thought indicates ways to face the fear of the cosmos and expand subjectivities to postpone the end of the world.

