
  • Nova equipe editorial


    A Revista Informação em Pauta atravessou seus quatro anos iniciais (2016-2019) sob a égide da travessia, conceito que designa caminhos e trilhas a revelar surpresas, a ensejar coragem, a descortinar saberes. Esse transitar recebeu a luxuosa dedicação de sua primeira Editora-Chefe (e também criadora): a pesquisadora Maria Giovanna Guedes Farias, a quem devem ser dispensados os agradecimentos pela tenacidade e responsabilidade para com os destinos e prumos dessa travessia. Da mesma forma, estendemos a nossa gratidão à sua Assistente Editorial, a bibliotecária Juliana Soares Lima, que, durante esses quatro anos, em muito contribuiu para a consolidação da IP como um dos periódicos de maior relevância em Biblioteconomia, Arquivologia, Ciência da Informação e áreas afins, até alcançarmos o mérito do Qualis B1.

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  • Revista Informação em Pauta (IP)


    Informação em Pauta is an open-access, electronic scientific journal promoted by the Department of Information Sciences and the Graduate Program in Information Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará (DCINF/PPGCI/UFC).

    Our goal is to disseminate publications that contribute to the development, enrichment and growth of the fields of Information Science, Library Science and other related areas. We also aim to encourage the production of new knowledge among researchers, teachers, students and others professionals from different regions of the country as well as professionals from other countries.

    Every six months, the journal publishes new contributions in three languages: Portuguese, Spanish, and English. The evaluations are carried out blindly by the Editorial Board and by the Advisory Board, and the submission flow is continuous. The articles published on this journal comprise all areas of study within the Information Science field. However, some editions may eventually publish special issues focused on specific themes within particular areas of study.



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  • Calls for Papers


    Calls for Papers

    Informação em Pauta, a journal promoted by the Department of Information Sciences and the Graduate Program in Information Sciences at the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), reports that the submission process is open.

    Yours truly,

    Professor Maria Giovanna Guedes Farias




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