Unattended individuals: dryness and liquidity in the contemporary


  • Bianca S. Damasceno


Barren Lives, Liquid Life, Contemporary, Psychoanalysis


The article establishes a relationship between the man worked in the production Barren Lives, by Graciliano Ramos and the man of Liquid Life, by Zygmunt Bauman, in regard to the hostility of the system experienced by both. Then, it emphasizes the importance of the word in the constitution of “human-subject” who, by having his speech respected, can be the ‘owner’ of his own voice. It is emphasized, thus, the relevance and validity of psychoanalysis in contemporary as this is based on the speech of the subject as his truthful capital.


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Author Biography

Bianca S. Damasceno

Jornalista; Mestre em Psicanálise, Saúde e Sociedade - Universidade Veiga de Almeida (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil). Pós-graduada em Gestão Estratégica de Serviços – MBA/Fundação Getulio Vargas (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil). Atua em empresas e em escritório próprio, com foco em Organização de Idéias e Comunicação Humana.



How to Cite

Damasceno, B. S. (2012). Unattended individuals: dryness and liquidity in the contemporary. Journal of Psychology, 3(1), 141–146. Retrieved from http://periodicos.ufc.br/psicologiaufc/article/view/110


