R-1 non-verbal intelligence test: the effect size for the 2018 standards





Intelligence test; standardization; effect size.


The study presents the effect sizes, their confidence intervals, ratings, and visualizations for the 2018 normative update of the R-1 Nonverbal Intelligence Test, since the statistically calculated differences based on the p-value offer tenuous evidence against the null hypothesis and do not serve as a proof of clinical significance. We used the normative sample of the instrument, consisting of 5,595 adults of both sexes, aged 18 to 65 years, from the five Brazilian geographic regions and subdivided by elementary, middle, and high school levels. The results showed medium to large effect sizes in the comparison between elementary and high school levels; large to very large in the relation between elementary and high school; and small to medium effect sizes between high school and high school levels. It was concluded that the statistically observed differences, by means of variance and Tukey's post-hoc analyses reflect a real effect when considering the impact of the education level variable on test performance. It was understood that normative studies of the instrument reflect a real impact when considering the variable under study, and should include the effect size and their respective confidence intervals.

Keywords: Intelligence test; standardization; effect size.


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Author Biography

Augusto Dias, Universidade Cidade de São Paulo

Graduated in Psychology by Universidade Guarulhos (1991), Specialization in Psychopedagogy by Universidade Guarulhos (1998), Master in Psychology with concentration in Psychological Assessment by Universidade São Francisco (2005) and specialization in Distance Education by Faculdades Senac - Florianópolis (2009). He teaches undergraduate courses in Psychology, teaching the disciplines of Psychological Assessment, Psychodiagnosis, Psychometrics and Supervised Internships. He has experience in the Psychology area, with emphasis in fundamentals and measures, working mainly on the following themes: psychological evaluation, psychometric tests and projective techniques. At the moment, she teaches at Psychology courses at Universidade Cidade de São Paulo (UNICID), São Paulo - SP and Universidade Guarulhos (UNG), Guarulhos - SP.


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How to Cite

Dias, A. (2022). R-1 non-verbal intelligence test: the effect size for the 2018 standards. Journal of Psychology, 13(2), 122–138. https://doi.org/10.36517/10.36517/revpsiufc.13.2.2022.9