The the identity of antipetismo and petismo in narratives of the partido dos trabalhadores




he Partido dos Trabalhadores living the biggest crisis in its history due to the impact of Operação Lava Jato and mobilizing right-wing groups against petismo. In this context, the objective of this study is to identify and analyze, in this situation of open conflict with its political opponents, the construction of identity attributes for petistas and antipetistas in reports of sympathizers of the Partido dos Trabalhadores. For this were analyzed using the discourse analysis method proposed by discursive social psychology, comments made in response to posts site Conversa Afiada journalist Paulo Henrique Amorim, politically aligned with the Partido dos Trabalhadores in 2015. It’s a site majority frequented by sympathizers of the Partido dos Trabalhadores. The analysis categories were identified that supporters and petismo militants mobilize when they speak of themselves and of political opponents. It was observed that dishonesty, conservatism and anti-nationalism are central features in the identity of antipetismo built by PT. Belonging to the political left, on the other hand, presents itself as a central feature of the movement’s identity in which they operate these militants, a movement which would be the victim, they said, a coup organized by a right constituted by the business community, the media and sectors of the brazilian state.


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How to Cite

de Oliveira Filho, P., Pereira dos Santos, W. ., & da Silva Castro, H. M. (2020). The the identity of antipetismo and petismo in narratives of the partido dos trabalhadores . Journal of Psychology, 11(2), 34–47.