Use of drugs during lactation by users of a basic health UNIT


  • Luana Soriano Mota
  • Edna Maria Camelo Chaves
  • Régia Christina Moura Barbosa
  • Jefferson Falcão do Amaral
  • Leiliane Martins Farias
  • Paulo César de Almeida


The objective was to identify the drugs used during lactation acompanhadas among women in a primary care unit. Quantitative study carried out with 132 lactating mothers of a basic health unit. Data were collected through a questionnaire with objective questions and subjective August-October 2011. The nursing mothers used medication along the breast feeding 105 (80%), while 27 (20%) did not use any kind of medication. The drugs most commonly cited as the use were: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory 82 (58%), contraceptives 16 (11%), antianemics 14 (11%), antibiotics 12 (9%), antihypertensive 5 (4%), antacids 3 (2%), among others 9 (6%). Of the mothers 77 (58.3%) breastfeeding women reported not having received counseling. Medication use by nursing mothers may have repercussions for the baby because the drugs are excreted in breast milk.





How to Cite

Mota, L. S., Chaves, E. M. C., Barbosa, R. C. M., Amaral, J. F. do, Farias, L. M., & Almeida, P. C. de. (2013). Use of drugs during lactation by users of a basic health UNIT. Rev Rene, 14(1). Retrieved from



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