Vulnerability of high-risk pregnancy in the perception of pregnant women and their families
Pregnant Women; Prenatal Care; Pregnancy, High-Risk; Family; Health Vulnerability.Abstract
Objective: to describe the perception of pregnant women and their relatives about the vulnerability of a high-risk pregnancy. Methods: qualitative research with eight pregnant women and ten relatives. Data were collected through semi-structured, audio-taped interviews, which, after transcription, were submitted to content analysis in the thematic modality proposed by Bardin. Results: three categories emerged: Experiences of relatives and pregnant women in relation to the diagnosis of a risky pregnancy; The family as the structuring axis of care in a high-risk pregnancy; and Invisibility of relatives in prenatal care. Conclusion: both the relatives and the pregnant women experienced worry, anxiety, fear and stress in the face of vulnerability, but the pregnant women perceived themselves to be more protected and safer with the support of the family, which although did not perceived to be valued by health professionals during prenatal consultations, plays an important role in encouraging and supervising care during pregnancy.
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