Clinical and epidemiological aspects of elderly patients with Chikungunya fever
Chikungunya Fever; Aged; Epidemiology; Public Health Nursing.Abstract
Objectives: to characterize the clinical and epidemiological aspects of elderly people affected by Chikungunya fever. Methods: cross-sectional and retrospective study of confirmed cases of Chikungunya fever in elderly people. Frequencies and percentages were calculated for categorical variables. The chi-square test was used for intragroup comparisons of the proportional distribution of variables. Results: three hundred elderly were evaluated. There was a predominance of women (63.0%), with a mean age of 70.49 years, brown and black skin color (92.0%), living in the urban area (95.3%), reporting the disease in the chronic phase (57.3%), requiring hospitalization (74.3%), and with comorbidities (63.0%). The most prevalent symptoms were fever and arthralgia (100.0%), headache (98.0%), and low back pain (96.3%). Conclusion: cases of Chikungunya fever tend to be more severe in elderly patients and have greater clinical repercussions, especially with the presence of symptoms of pain.
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