Pressure injury prevention scales in intensive care units: an integrative review
Pressure Ulcer; Prevention & Control; Intensive Care Units; Nursing.Abstract
Objective: to describe the constituent elements of nursing care present in the pressure injury risk assessment scales used in intensive care units. Methods: this is an integrative literature review based on LILACS, MEDLINE, SCIELO and BDENF. The descriptors used for the search were Pressure Ulcer; Decubitus Ulcer; Prevention and control; Prevention; Intensive Care Units. The final sample consisted of 13 scientific articles. Results: the Braden scale was the most used scale among the analyzed studies. The constituent elements highlighted were structured risk assessment, skin and tissue assessment, preventive skin care, nutrition, repositioning in bed, support surfaces, and care with medical device. Conclusion: the prevention of incontinence-related injuries, nutritional assessment, nutritional interventions aimed at preventing injuries and care with medical devices are constituent elements of nursing care still poorly explored or absent in the evaluated scales.
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