Profile of elderly registered at a family health unit of Fortaleza-CE


  • Jorge Wilker Bezerra Clares
  • Maria Célia de Freitas
  • Paulo César de Almeida
  • Francisca Tereza de Galiza
  • Terezinha Almeida Queiroz


Aged, Health Centers, Demographic Data, Socioeconomic Factors.


This is a descriptive and quantitative study which describes the socio-demographic, economical and clinical profile of elderly people registered at a family health unit in Fortaleza in the state of Ceará. Data were collected from May to June 2011, by household survey, with the application of a form with 52 elderly people. The results revealed a predominantly female population (69.2%), with low levels of schooling (88.5%), retired (69.2%) and with low monthly income (96.2%). Regarding the health situation, the cardiovascular disease presented higher prevalence among women (p=0.005). There was a prevalence of hypertension (48.1%) and diabetes (15.4%). A significant proportion of the elderly people admitted not to have adhered to drug therapy (33.3%). It is considered that the data that characterize the elderly assisted in primary care are essential to devise strategies of health education to meet their needs.



How to Cite

Clares, J. W. B., Freitas, M. C. de, Almeida, P. C. de, Galiza, F. T. de, & Queiroz, T. A. (2011). Profile of elderly registered at a family health unit of Fortaleza-CE. Rev Rene, 12. Retrieved from



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