Non-invasive technologies in assisting high-risk parturient women: nurse-midwives’ perceptionss




Obstetric Nursing; Technology; Pregnancy, High-Risk; Nursing Care.


Objective: to know nurse-midwives’ perceptions about factors related with the use of non-invasive care technologies in the care of high-risk parturient women. Methods: qualitative study, with 10 nurse-midwives from the obstetric center of a high-risk maternity hospital in a university hospital. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews and subjected to content analysis. Results: prenatal care with a focus on female autonomy, the availability of specific materials and the sector’s infrastructure are facilitating factors. Work overload, the devaluation of nurse-midwives’ knowledge by some medical professionals and the lack of institutional support for teamwork are limiting factors. Conclusion: the factors referred to show the need to boost collaborative work in assisting high obstetric risk, encourage the use of non-invasive care technologies and improve nurses’ working conditions.


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How to Cite

Ares, L. P. M., Prata, J. A., Progianti, J. M., Pereira, A. L. de F., Mouta, R. J. O., Amorim, L. B., & Gioia, L. G. (2021). Non-invasive technologies in assisting high-risk parturient women: nurse-midwives’ perceptionss. Rev Rene, 22, e61385.



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