Anxiety, depression, and work engagement in Primary Health Care nursing professionals
Anxiety; Depression; Work Engagement; Nurse Practitioners; Primary Health Care.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the levels of anxiety, depression, and work engagement among nursing professionals in Primary Health Care. Methods: cross-sectional, descriptive, and correlational study with nursing professionals from Family Health Units. We used: the Beck Anxiety Inventory; the Beck Depression Inventory; and the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale. Results: we observed moderate anxiety among nurses and mild anxiety among nursing assistants/technicians; and mild depression among nurses and nursing assistants/technicians. Anxiety and depression were positively and moderately correlated (r:0.562; p=0.000). The professionals presented elevated levels of work engagement. Conclusion: important levels of anxiety and depression were evidenced among professionals, indicating progress to levels that compromise health and quality of life. Despite the compromised mental health, the professionals showed willingness to work and an important resilience capacity.
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