Occupational stress, work engagement and coping strategies in Community Health Workers
Primary Health Care; Community Health Workers; Work Engagement; Occupational Stress; Adaptation, Psychological.Abstract
Objective: to evaluate the levels of occupational stress, work engagement, and coping strategies among community health workers. Methods: cross-sectional study with 133 Community Health Workers. We used a questionnaire with socioeconomic and professional variables, the Work Stress Scale, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale, and the Coping Modes Scale. Results: The mean occupational stress score was 2.7. Work engagement levels were high for dedication (4.0), vigor (4.3), and overall score (4.0). Problem-focused coping modes (3.9; ±0.6) and based on religious practices and fantasy thinking (3.4; ±0.7) stood out. Conclusion: there is a high percentage of professionals with significant occupational stress. The levels of work engagement were medium for absorption and high for dedication, vigor, and overall score. The coping strategies are focused on problem solving, religious practices and fanciful thoughts of positive character.
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