Temporal live births trend analysis considering reproductive age during pregnancy
Reproductive Behavior; Maternal Age; Women's Health; Health Information Systems.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the temporal live births trend by Brazilian regions and states, considering reproductive age during pregnancy. Methods: epidemiological, ecological study using data obtained from the Live Birth Information System and population estimates. Birth data were analyzed according to maternal age, 10 to 19 years, 20 to 34 years and ≥35 years. Results: a total of 25,385,841 live births were analyzed, among women aged 10 to 35 years or older in Brazil, with the highest occurrence of births in the age group of 20 to 34 years, corresponding to 928.15 per 1,000 women with a downward trend (p≤0.001). Birth rate's spatial distribution analysis by maternal age strata demonstrated a downward trend in almost all Brazilian states between the ages of 10 and 19 and an increase in the ≥35 age group. Conclusion: births in the maternal age group of 20 to 34 showed higher rates, however with a decreasing trend. Pregnancies at the extremes of reproductive age during adolescence showed a decreasing trend and at >35 years showed an upward trend. Contributions to practice: it contributes to the planning of public policies to meet the needs of a pregnancy at the extremes of reproductive life.
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