Nursing theories in professional training and practice: perception of postgraduate nursing students




Education, Higher; Education, Nursing, Graduate; Nursing Theory; Nursing Education Research.


Objective: to analyze the perception of postgraduate students about nursing theories in professional training and practice. Methods: it was a qualitative research with 22 students enrolled in the Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Care class of a postgraduate nursing course. Results: the lack of teaching of nursing theories at the undergraduate level and the need to insert this object of study in the curricula of the courses were verified, since they support and guide nurses’ actions, corroborating the relationship between theory and practice. The theories conferred scientific thinking and added value to professional performance, ensuring quality and recognition to the profession. Conclusion: the contact with the theories in undergraduate studies is limited and resuming the thematic in postgraduation is indicated as opportune. In the perception of the postgraduate students, the knowledge on nursing theories allows professionals to extract their essence, scientifically strengthen their practice and, thus, recognize them as work guidelines.


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How to Cite

Merino, M. de F. G. L., Silva, P. L. de A. R. da, Carvalho, M. D. de B. de, Pelloso, S. M., Baldissera, V. D. A., & Higarashi, I. H. (2018). Nursing theories in professional training and practice: perception of postgraduate nursing students. Rev Rene, 19, e3363.



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