Quality of care for the elderly: pressure injury risk as a marking condition





Quality of Health Care; Primary Health Care; Health of the Elderly; Pressure Ulcer.


Objective: to analyze the quality of care provided in primary health care to frail elderly individuals at risk of pressure injury. Methods: multiple case study. Sixteen elderly and their family caregivers and ten health professionals participated in the study. Results: among nonconformities were the non-realization of screening of the degree of frailty and multidimensional evaluation of the elderly; absence of pressure injury risk assessment; scarcity of material and human resources; lack of support for family caregivers; delay in meeting the needs of equipment for mobilization; lack  of knowledge on the part of professionals and caregivers. Conclusion: the study led to the conclusion that the marker is a tool that evaluates the course of care and, in the case of frail elderly people with risk for pressure injury, and fragilities range from professional knowledge to systematic practices that include the care network.


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How to Cite

Meireles, V. C., & Baldissera, V. D. A. (2019). Quality of care for the elderly: pressure injury risk as a marking condition. Rev Rene, 20, e40122. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20192040122



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