Treatment of tuberculosis under the view of the user


  • Ana Angélica Lima Dias
  • Daniela Maria Falcão de Oliveira
  • Ellen Cristine Ramdohr Sobrinho
  • Pedro Fredemir Palha
  • Rosely Moralez de Figueiredo


Tuberculosis, Medication Adherence, Directly Observed Therapy, Treatment Outcome, Nursing.


Clinical-qualitative study aimed at analyzing the experiences of users who completed treatment for tuberculosis in the county of São Carlos-São Paulo, Brazil. Data were collected from February to September 2011, through semi-structured interviews, with 15 users. These were organized according to the content analysis technique, thematic modality. The patients face difficulties in being diagnosed and use different health services; they suffer with the reactions resulting from the treatment, and the supervision of drug intake is seen both as a facilitator for the formation of the link and also as a deterrent to adherence. Assessment researches related to difficulty in establishing the diagnosis and the monitoring of the supervised treatment should be made to minimize the barriers to control the disease.





Como Citar

Dias, A. A. L., Oliveira, D. M. F. de, Sobrinho, E. C. R., Palha, P. F., & Figueiredo, R. M. de. (2013). Treatment of tuberculosis under the view of the user. Rev Rene, 14(6). Recuperado de



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