Tuberculosis: the documented reality at the Flávio Marcílio health unit, in Fortaleza-CE


  • Maria Lenilce Gonçalves Vieira
  • Glória da Conceição Mesquita Leitão


Tuberculosis, Prevention, Incidence, Health.


Research conducted with people suffering from tuberculosis, at the Flavio Marcilio Health Center, in Fortaleza, from 2000 to 2003. Its aim was to describe the distribution of tuberculosis cases in the area assisted by the reference unit mentioned.above, and to infer the causes for treatment abandonment. Results: the frequency of cases was bigger among men, aged between 24-34 years old in that period. The causes for treatment abandonment are due to the lack of patient’s conditions to go to the Health Center, and to the inefficient management of the Disease Control Program in the municipality. The patients are men and women with low income, and low educational level. Conclusion: lack of a larger statistical control and of research on the growth of the number of cases and on treatment abandonment.





Como Citar

Vieira, M. L. G., & Leitão, G. da C. M. (2005). Tuberculosis: the documented reality at the Flávio Marcílio health unit, in Fortaleza-CE. Rev Rene, 6(3). Recuperado de



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