Anti-smoking social media: Why are Stakeholders important?
Mots-clés :
Social media, Tobacco, TelemedicineRésumé
Introduction: The negative impact of smoking at global, national, community, and family levels is felt through deaths, financial burdens, and social problems. Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the stakeholders and to determine their importance in anti-smoking social media. Methods: The methodology consisted of two parts: a systematic review of the literature and semi-structured interviews. In our research, we use the E’s that the e-health project should have. Results: We found that some E's are not contemplated without the participation of an increased group of stakeholders. Conclusion: We concluded that identification and participation of the several stakeholders in the idealization of an anti-smoking social media could lead to benefits that ensure quality, economic advantages, and adherence. This study seeks to encourage further experimental and innovative attempts to control the tobacco epidemic.
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