Evaluation of yield and oil content often castor bean genotypes cultivated at altitude below 300 meters.
Liv Severino
Embrapa Algodão
Maira Milani
Embrapa Algodão
Cássia Moraes
Embrapa Algodão
Tarcísio Gondim
Embrapa Algodão
Gleibson Cardoso
Embrapa Algodão
Ricinus communis, breeding.
In order to evaluate the yield and oil content of castor beam (Ricinus communis)cultivated at 300 meters height, ten genotypes including cultivars and advanced lines were cultivated in Carnaubais, RN (60m), Maranguape, CE (140m) and Quixeramobim, CE (280m). In each place, soil samples were collected for analysis and rain between crop and harvest were registered. It was used a randomized block design with three replications. The plots measured 7, 5 x 6m with three lines of plant and spaced 2,5 m between lines and 1m between plants. The soil was fertilized with 250 kg.ha-1 of NPK 6-24-12. Average yield was: Carnaubais with 993 kg/ha, Maranguape with 1,682 kg.ha-1 and Quixeramobim with 1,531 kg/ha. Seed oil content did not vary among places, but the genotypes CSRN 393, CNPAM 89-78 and CNPAM 93-168, in average, had lower seed oil content.