Effect of temperature on seed germination of macela (Egletes viscosa Less) osmocoditioning and pelleting
Sérgio Silva
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Sebastião Filho
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Elizita Teófilo
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Antônio Bezerra
Universidade Federal do Ceará
Egletes viscosa, osmotic potencial and pelleting.
This work aimed to evaluate the effect of the temperature, osmo-conditioning and pelleting on macela (Egletes viscosa)seeds germination. The experimental design consisted of treatments arranged in a factorial scheme 2x2x2, with two kinds of seeds (with and without pellet), two osmo-conditioning levels (with and without osmo-conditioning) and two temperature exposures (25 and 20-30oC). It was completely randomized with four replicates (50 seeds/replicate). Percentage, velocity index and average time of germination were evaluated. According to the results, the alternate temperature(20-30oC) should be indicated for the germination tests with macela seeds; the osmo-conditioning increases the velocity of germination in alternate temperature exposure; and the presence of pellet does not affect the germination of macela seeds.