The objective of this study was to evaluate the chemical composition and yield of the soybean in response to the application of plant growth regulator to a soybean crop. For this purpose, seeds of the cultivar BRS 246 RR were sown in October of the agricultural years 2007/2008 and 2008/2009, in an experimental layout of complete blocks, with randomized treatments and four replications. The treatments, arranged in factorial design, consisted of the combination of seed treatments and plant growth regulator (with and without 0.5 L 100kg-1 of seeds) and five doses of the product (0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.375 and 0.5 L ha-1) applied to the leaves at two stages of the crop development (V5 or R3). A liquid growth regulator, Stimulate®, from Stoller of Brazil Ltda was used, consisting of three plant growth regulators in the following concentrations: 0.005% indolebutyric acid IBA - IBA (auxin analogue), 0.009% kinetin (cytokinin) and 0.005% gibberellic acid - GA3 (gibberellin). The use of plant growth regulator had an influence on the increase in productivity; oil and protein levels were altered by the action of the regulator, which tended to favour the protein content.