Quality in the distribution of corn seed by planters in a soil of the Ceará


  • Rafaela Melo Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Daniel Albiero Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Leonardo Monteiro Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Fábio Souza Universidade Federal do Ceará
  • Jameson Silva Universidade Federal do Ceará


Quality Control, Fertilizer-Seeder, Soil


Planters are of great importance for success in establishing a crop. The correct use of agricultural equipment is therefore necessary so that increased productivity can be obtained. Few studies have been made in soils of the sub-humid region of Ceará, of the appropriate use of these machines, hence the importance of carrying out research in these soils to improve the planting process. The experiment was conducted at the experimental area for agricultural engineering of the Centre for Agrarian Sciences, at the Federal University of Ceará, Pici Campus. Longitudinal distribution was made over an area of ​​50m, and the velocities measured in the experiment were 4 and 7 km h-1. The experimental design was completely random. The coefficient of symmetry and kurtosis were used to ensure normality of the data, then a mean variance analysis was carried out that presented normality. When the data did not present as normal, the exponentially-weighted moving average was used. Statistical analysis was performed to 5% significance using the SISVAR software. The study had as its objective to evaluate the longitudinal distribution of seeds of both a mechanical and a pneumatic planter in a soil of the sub-humid region of Ceará.






Agricultural Engineering