The Umbrella:
Art, soundscape and the city of Belém
Installation, Augmented Space, Aesthetic Message, WaterAbstract
This article presents the creation context of the artistic installation Guarda-chuva (2018), analyzing its relevancy to the field of art and technology and associating it to the concept of soundscape (SCHAFER, 1977),
augmented space (MANOVICH, 2002) and aesthetic message (ECO, 2013). The installation consists of a electronically modified umbrella capable of emitting the sound of three soundscapes of the city of Belém,
Pará, Brazil, as the interactor moves around the gallery space with it. The installation’s project explores different concepts of space and proposes a reflection about the relation of art, technology, nature and human being to rethink the city’s space.
How to Cite
oliveira, raymundo. (2020). The Umbrella:: Art, soundscape and the city of Belém. Revista Vazantes, 4(1), 162–174.