
A performative proposal for this pandemic




The audiovisual investigations carried out by us during the Covid-19 pandemic are intended to discuss the possibilities of creating free musical improvisation amidst the limitations brought by the instaured mass enclosure and the contingential aspects of poetic relations mediated by the internet and different audiovisual tools. With the development of this performative proposal, we investigated new ways of elaborating creation processes and proposed to share academic research, conducting ethnographies of our creative processes. From this search, the performative proposal presented here was created to be performed in deferred time, and denotes convergences and contrasts between improvisations performed in distinct spaces and times.

Author Biographies

Marina Mapurunga, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) / Arts, Humanities and Letters Center (CAHL) and University of São Paulo (USP) / School of Communication and Arts (ECA)

Artist and researcher who works in the field of audiovisual, sound art and music. Professor of sound in the courses of Cinema & Audiovisual and Visual Arts at the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB). She is coordinator of the extension project SONatório - Laboratório de pesquisa, prática e experimentação sonora and of OLapSo (Orquestra de Laptops SONatório - UFRB). PhD student in Music (USP), Master in Communication (UFF) and specialist in Audiovisual in Electronic Media (UFC). She is a member of NuSom (Núcleo de Pesquisas em Sonologia da USP) and Laura (Lugar de Pesquisas em Auralidade). She participates in Orquestra Errante, Trio Mamomã and the network Sonora: music and feminisms.

Fabio Manzione, University of São Paulo (USP) / School of Communication and Arts (ECA)

Fabio Manzione is a musician, researcher, composer, performer and artist-educator. He is PhD Student in music at the University of São Paulo and Master in Jazz Studies at the University of Aveiro (Portugal). In his research he seeks to establish practical-theoretical ties between real-time musical creation process and other contemporary artistic expressions, as well as to analyze the function of human senses and physical presence in performances that has the sound as the foundation. It is part of groups that practice free musical improvisation in and out of the academic scope, such as: Orquestra Errante, Trio mamomã, Ñembo and Duo Cóz.



How to Cite

Mapurunga, M., & Manzione, F. (2021). Corpuscam: A performative proposal for this pandemic. Revista Vazantes, 5(1), 417–424.



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