O sonho da ideologia produz monstros

fascismo, distopia e desumanização em Men against fire, Black Mirror


  • Sergio Schargel PPGLCC/PUC-Rio e PPGCP/UNIRIO


The relationship between dystopia and ideology is intrinsic: the first feeds on the second, producing fictional realities in which opposite ideologies have created a devastated future. In this scenario, the fear of technology allying with fascist or totalitarian movements ends up giving rise to the episode Men against fire, from the British series Black mirror. If any fascist movement depends on the creation of monsters, objective enemies to direct hate and terror, Men against fire takes this proposal to a literal point, and its fascist/totalitarian ideology alters the very perceptions of reality to make it possible to exterminate the monster. Within a qualitative theoretical basis that mixes texts on ideology, dystopia, fascism and monster narratives, the purpose of this paper is to discuss the process of dehumanization of the objective enemy in fascism/totalitarianism, in the light of the chosen object. The intention is that, in comparison with the debate about monsters, dehumanization and fascism, it is possible to perceive the relationship that fascism has with the narrative of monsters, while, paradoxically, itself ends up creating its own banal monsters.

Author Biography

Sergio Schargel, PPGLCC/PUC-Rio e PPGCP/UNIRIO

Mestrando em Literatura pela PUC-Rio, mestrando em Ciência Política pela UNIRIO. Bacharel em Comunicação Social, Jornalismo e Comunicação Social, Publicidade e Propaganda, ambas pela PUC-Rio. Sua pesquisa e produção artística são focadas na relação entre literatura e política, tangenciando temas amplos como fascismo, autoritarismo, populismo, pós-memória, antissemitismo e Revolução de 30. Publicou em veículos como Nexo, Cantareira, Dignidade Re:Vista, Ribanceira, Valittera, HanzeMAG, e outros, além de diversas traduções para a Folha de S.Paulo. Apresentou trabalhos em eventos como Seminário do fim para frente, Mostra bosque, CLAEC, Póscom, entre outros.

