exile and the feeling of belonging in Rabo de Foguete



This study begins from the relations with space experienced by the character Ferreira Gullar during the years he spent in exile in other countries, due to the military regime that has been established in Brazil during the year 1964. Understanding the exile and the impossibility to return to the place where he belonged, we have a character who goes through spaces looking for belonging, until he can return to Brazil. The Military Regime in Brazil lasted for over three decades. Those who searched for exile in another country experienced a clandestine and anonymous life. Therefore, we seek to understand how the character in Rabo de foguete: os anos de exílio (2010) connects with the surroundings from the sudden separation from his birthplace to all locations he went through. For this analysis to occur, we resort to theorists such as Yi-Fu Tuan in Space and Place The Perspective of Experience (1983), Eric Dardel with " Man and Earth: Nature geographic reality (2015), Edward W. Said Reflections on Exile and Other Essays (2003), Alexis Nouss in Pensar o exílio e a migração hoje (2020) and, finally, a Miriam L. Volpe Geografias de exílio (2005) for theoretical support.



 Exile. Space and place. Military Regime. Rabo de Foguete.

Author Biography

Márcia Manir Miguel Feitosa , Universidade Federal do Maranhão

Professora Titular do Departamento de Letras, com Doutorado em Letras (Literatura Portuguesa) pela Universidade de São Paulo. Bolsista de Produtividade do CNPq – nível 2. Pós-Doutora com bolsa CAPES, pelo Programa Ciência Sem Fonteiras, em Estudos Comparatistas na Universidade de Lisboa. Líder do Grupo de Estudos de Paisagem em Literatura - GEPLIT. Autora do livro: A representação do espaço e do poder em Mário de Carvalho: uma apologia da subversão (2018) e organizadora, juntamente com a Profa. Ilda Alves, da Universidade Fluminense, do livro: Literatura e paisagem: perspectivas e diálogos (2010).

