Call for papers - Dossier Dialogues about childhood and youth and the challenges posed by digital technologies


Dear researchers,

On behalf of the Laboratory of Research on the Relations between Childhood, Youth and Media (LabGRIM) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC), we would like to thank you once more for joining the #NaRedeComLabgrim series of webinars held in 2021 and 2022.

Your contribution was very relevant to the debate and instigated many reflections which deserve to be developed further. We therefore invite you to submit papers to the dossier “Dialogues about childhood and youth and the challenges posed by digital technologies”. The dossier will be published in Revista Passagensin the first semester of 2023 as part of the UFC Postgraduate Program in Communication.

The purpose of the dossier is to resume the #NaRedeComLabGrim debates held in 2021 and 2022. The publication will make it possible to give a text format to the central ideas and issues addressed in the webinars and thereby share the fruits of the debates with a wider audience.

The dossier will encompass the views and observations of both national and international researchers, reflecting the experience from both hemispheres on how children and youths relate to digital culture. Thus, we are asking participants to further explore and share their perceptions on the interrelationship between communication practices, the advent of digital technologies and public policies for children and youths in contemporary society.

The lockdowns associated with the recent Covid-19 pandemic intensified and redefined interaction with digital media, especially that of children and youths, demanding from researchers reflections on the associated opportunities, risks, rights and well-being in order to safeguard the best interests of children and youths in this new scenario.

Aligned with the topics debated during the webinars, the submitted papers should cover one or more of the following central topics: Digital inequality during the pandemic, Cyberbullying and hate speech, Artificial intelligence and inclusion, Participatory design for children and youths, New learning environments: old and new challenges, The metaverse: ethical and legal aspects from the child/youth perspective.

Like the webinars, the dossier will target students, professors, researchers, mothers and fathers; in fact, anyone wishing to participate in the dialogue about childhood, youth and rights. It is sponsored by LabGRIM, which is affiliated with the Culture and Art Institute and the Virtual University Institute (both UFC).

Contributions may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish or English. The submission deadlines are given below:

- Submit deadline: 30/06/2023
- Evaluation deadline: 30/09/2023
- Edition deadline: 30/11/2023
- Publish deadline: 30/12/2023

Best regards,

Prof.ª Inês Vitorino (Instituto de Cultura e Arte-UFC)
Prof.ª Andrea Pinheiro (Sistemas e Mídias Digitais - UFC)
Prof.ª Georgia Cruz (Sistemas e Mídias Digitais - UFC)

Editors of the dossier “Dialogues about childhood and youth and the challenges posed by digital technologies”.


Title and summary (100 to 250 words): 1 December 2022


Full paper (up to 50.000 characters with space): 20 February 2023 (online registration with the journal, and we can help if needed)


For more information on Revista Passagens (ISSN: 2179-9938)


Submission guidelines:


Thank you for your contribution. If you have further questions, please contact the editors:


Best regards,


Inês Vitorino (Culture and Art Institute/UFC)

Andrea Pinheiro (Digital Systems and Media/UFC)

Georgia Cruz (Digital Systems and Media/UFC)

Editors of the dossier “Dialogues about childhood and youth and the challenges posed by digital technologies”.