Cultura Queer e LGBTfobia
poder, estética e comunicação
This essay approaches, from a transdisciplinary perspective, issues related to communication, culture, and aesthetics. It aims to problematize gender discourse in the media field, highlighting the representation of LGBTQIA+ and stressing questions about the conformation of power in its political, religious, and cultural expressions. It seeks to identify in the different objects of culture selected, the LGBT-phobic discourse and its violence against queer subjectivities and bodies. For such an undertaking, we used as an object of analysis and as a starting point for reflection, the exhibition Queermuseu: cartographies of difference in Brazilian art, as well as the Report: Observatory of violent deaths of LGBTI+ in Brazil in 2020, carried out by Grupo Gay da Bahia and Acontece LGBTI+ Art and Politics. As a methodological strategy, a critical-theoretical cartographic composition is sought from Foucault's and Deleuze-Guattari's philosophy, approaching concepts and images, seeking to identify the discursive tensions between the affirmation of queer subjectivities and a possible censorship, which, from an ethical perspective, could ultimately signify at the symbolic level or incite at the physical level the annihilation of the other as a sensible existence and body.
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