Phenomenology and Education: Hermeneutic Reflections on Care in Educational Practices



The unsustainability of theoretical contributions of positivist foundations has manifested itself in an increasingly intense way in our times. The mismatch between theory and practice, enunciated by the insolvency of the linear and deterministic relationship between the two, is announced with unequivocal recurrence in the incipient ability of explanatory models to encompass the contemporary real fluid. This essay aims at pointing to the indissoluble relationship between the phenomenological notion of care (Sorge), emanating from the unity of the ontological structures of being-there (Dasein), thought by the German philosopher Martin Heidegger, and the educational phenomenon, emphasizing a philosophical reflection on the act of educating formally conceived from pedagogical practices, deepening some of its questions and operating a dialogue with the hermeneutic phenomenology proposed by the philosopher of the Black Forest.


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Author Biography


Prof. Adjunto do departamento de psicologia da Universidade Federal Fluminense


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How to Cite

Nascimento, C. L. (2019). Phenomenology and Education: Hermeneutic Reflections on Care in Educational Practices. Journal of Psychology, 10(1), 68–84. Retrieved from