Prevalence and factors associated with elementary lesions in hospitalized elderly
Geriatric Nursing; Wounds and Injuries; Hospitalization; Skin Aging; Risk Factors.Abstract
Objective: to analyze the prevalence and factors associated with elementary lesions in the elderly hospitalized in a teaching hospital. Methods: cross-sectional study with 202 elderly people. A sociodemographic and clinical questionnaire and a nursing physical examination were applied. For analysis, Stata software® version 12 was used. Results: a total of 176 (87.1%) participants had some elementary lesion. Primary elementary lesions presented significant statistical relationship with age range ≥80 years (p=0.023), respiratory diseases (p=0.029), medical devices (p=0.000), restricted mobility (p=0.001), independence (p=0.006), or need for aid (p=0.007). Secondary elementary lesions were associated with being married (p=0.007), medical devices (p=0.029), and restricted mobility (p=0.012). Conclusion: there was high prevalence of elementary lesions in hospitalized elderly and important associated factors. This highlights the importance of nurses to evaluate, identify, and conduct preventive care specific to this population.
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