Theses and dissertations of Brazilian nursing addressing women’s health in the prison system
Nursing; Prisons; Prisoners; Women’s Health; Bibliometrics.Abstract
Objective: to characterize the Brazilian production of nursing theses and dissertations on women’s health in the prison system. Methods: bibliometric study based on the panorama of scientific production in the context of Nursing post-graduations in Brazil. Data were collected in the Directory of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination for Improvement of Higher Education Personnel. Results: eleven documents were included in the sample. Most of them were carried out during masters courses (63.6%), with predominance of studies conducted in the Northeast (63.6%), Southeast (18.1%) and Midwest (18.1%). Regarding the most explored themes, the relationship of women/mothers with their children presented a higher proportion (54.5%). Qualitative studies (45.4%), with descriptive designs (36.3%) predominated. Conclusion: Brazilian nursing theses and dissertations on women’s health in the prison system consisted of qualitative studies developed in the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest, and presented a gap in the production of nursing knowledge.
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