Perceptions of nurses about the competences developed in postoperative care after a liver transplant




Nursing Care; Professional Competence; Postoperative Care; Liver Transplantation.


Objective: discovering the perceptions of nurses concerning the competences developed in liver transplant postoperative care. Methods: qualitative research. Data were collected through a semi-structured interview and systematic non-participative observation, with eight nurses from the unit that received patients immediately after liver transplants. To explain the results, the Content Analysis technique was used. Results: the content found in the interviews was systematized in three thematic axes: preparing the postoperative Intensive Care Unit to receive the liver transplant receptor; actions of nurses concerning the liver transplant receptor in the postoperative Intensive Care Unit; activities related to administration, teaching, and research. Conclusion: the competences developed by the nurses are directed and individualized, involving, in an integrated whole, the administrative, organizational, managerial, healthcare-related, and teaching-research dimensions.


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How to Cite

Negreiros, F. D. da S., Pequeno, A. M. C. ., Alencar, C. S. de ., Carvalho, G. S. de O. ., & Moreira, T. R. . (2020). Perceptions of nurses about the competences developed in postoperative care after a liver transplant. Rev Rene, 21, e41876.



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