Hiperdia: adherence and perception of users accompanied by the Family Health Strategy


  • Francidalma Soares Sousa Carvalho Filha
  • Lídya Tolstenko Nogueira
  • Lívia Maria Mello Viana


Health Evaluation, Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, Family Health.


This is a descriptive evaluative study with quantitative approach carried out in the Basic Health Units of Caxias-MA, aiming to evaluate the Program of Hypertension and Diabetes (HiperDia) a user’s perspective. Data were collected between November 2010 and June 2011 with a sampling plan of 1024 people. Several obstacles were found in the development of actions to control hypertension and diabetes, which ranged from lack of supplies needed to the treatment, such as medicines up to the non-accomplishment of activities in health education by health professionals of the Family. Nevertheless, the assessment made by users about the care received was very favorable. The HiperDia is an important device to monitor patients and the research has shown great importance, suggesting joint action of the municipal level, the Coordination of Primary Health and HiperDia Program, of the Family Health professionals and users involved in the assistance.



How to Cite

Carvalho Filha, F. S. S., Nogueira, L. T., & Viana, L. M. M. (2011). Hiperdia: adherence and perception of users accompanied by the Family Health Strategy. Rev Rene, 12. Retrieved from http://periodicos.ufc.br/rene/article/view/4381



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