Health favorable environment: conceptions and practices of nurses in the prevention of pregnancy in adolescence


  • Maria Glêdes Ibiapina Gurgel
  • Maria Dalva Santos Alves
  • Escolástica Rejane Ferreira Moura
  • Patrícia Neyva da Costa Pinheiro
  • Maria Alix Leite Araújo
  • Rita Maria Viana Rêgo


Nursing, Pregnancy in Adolescence, Health Promotion


The study aimed to know the nurses’ conceptions and practices in the construction of a favorable environment to prevent teenage pregnancy in the city of Fortaleza-CE, Brazil. It was a qualitative study accomplished from March to April 2008. It was carried out with nurses of the Family Health Strategy that assists adolescents. As data analysis methods, resulting from the focus group, the discursive practices were used. The daily production, having as resource the maps of ideas association, whose general category of adopted thematic was the Prevention of pregnancy in adolescence: Nurses’ Practices in the Perspective of Health Promotion in the ‘Health Favorable Environments’ Area. In the discussions of the groups, it stood out the homelike and ethical environment as a favorable environment for adolescent’s health. However, the reception is seen by nurses in a reductionist conception, as expressed in the initial communication established in the relationship between users and professionals and is limited to the reception of spontaneous demand.




How to Cite

Gurgel, M. G. I., Alves, M. D. S., Moura, E. R. F., Pinheiro, P. N. da C., Araújo, M. A. L., & Rêgo, R. M. V. (2010). Health favorable environment: conceptions and practices of nurses in the prevention of pregnancy in adolescence. Rev Rene, 11. Retrieved from



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