Meanings and actions inferred by nurses for minimizing medication errors in pediatrics
Nurses; Medication Errors; Pediatrics; Qualitative Research.Abstract
Objective: to understand the meanings and actions inferred by nurses to minimize the error in the administration of medications in pediatrics. Methods: a qualitative study anchored in Symbolic Interactionism. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 11 nurses, who attributed the meanings and their actions to reduce medication errors in Pediatrics. The content analysis was composed of pre-analysis, exploration, treatment and interpretation of data. Results: three categories emerged: Individual actions (planning, attention, communication and application of the checklist in the use of the “right ones”); Multi-professional and organizational interactions (teamwork, automated system, staff dimensioning, double-checking in checking medications, professional articulation, organizational actions, institutional policies and communication) and Continuing education strategies (training and capacity building). Conclusion: technical aspects, work dynamics, need for updating, attitudes related to individual actions, multi-professional interactions, organizational and continuing education were meanings and actions inferred by nurses for the minimization of the error in medication administration in Pediatrics. Contributions to practice: it is necessary that the topic of medication administration be a continuous point in the permanent education programs in the health services in order to guarantee the minimization of errors and thus promote greater safety for users.
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