Factors influencing self-harm behavior in female adolescents





Self-Mutilation; Adolescent; Pediatric Nursing; Qualitative Research.


Objective: to describe the factors that influence self-mutilation behavior from the perspective of female adolescents. Methods: a qualitative study was conducted with five adolescent girls attending a modality I Psychosocial Care Center. Data was triangulated using the techniques of individual semi-structured interviews, observation, and documentary analysis. The empirical data from the documentary analysis, the transcripts of the interviews with the full narratives, and the observation records were organized in the Research Diary and subjected to content analysis. Results: it was found that situations experienced in childhood in the family environment, such as rejection, abandonment, violence, and paternal distancing, together with the mental suffering manifested in adolescence, were shown to be factors influencing self-mutilation. Conclusion: there was an increase in concern about the emotional development of children and the repercussions manifested in adolescence, as well as the contribution of the family context in this process. Contributions to practice: the factors influencing self-harm must be considered and addressed by the nursing team in order to provide quality and effective care. This includes the implementation of actions to promote mental health, prevent psychosomatic disorders, and reduce the mental suffering observed in this target group.


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How to Cite

Silva, R. A. da, Costa, C. S., Rocha, K. T., Baggio, Érica, & Mocheuti, K. N. (2024). Factors influencing self-harm behavior in female adolescents . Rev Rene, 25, e93192. https://doi.org/10.15253/2175-6783.20242593192



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